Monkey Month Feng Shui

The 7th month of the Chinese Year, the overall energy of the Monkey month (Aug 7 - Sep 6) is pretty supportive. The core energy has a combination that can support family quarrels, impulsiveness, reputation, and finances. Be mindful with your family communications and avoid impulsive behavior. Here’s a breakdown of the other sectors:

The most supportive sectors are the North and East:

The North will be a good area for doing to foundational work because it will be rock solid. Don’t expect any “fruit” right away…it’s a seedling but it will have solid roots. So activities pertaining to things like long-term investments of any kind should yield good returns later. The same goes for starting something new. Use this area to make a plan that you can work over the long haul.

The East will support networking. Again, think of how your connections will affect your business or endeavor long term. But start now, whether it’s sending out emails, scheduling meetings, or cold calls. The East sector will support and solidify these connections.

The least supportive sectors are the Southwest and the West.

The Southwest is like sitting on a volcano. Definitely avoid activating this sector/doing important activities here. Because if you fail, it could have huge ramifications for everyone in the house.

The energy in the West is like diving head first into a pit of despair. Avoid activating this sector if at all possible. Don’t do anything here that is of any importance. Your health and well being are on shaky ground here.

This is a “universal” assessment of the Feng Shui for this month. It does not take into account the specific energy patterns of your home or workplace. If you want a personalized audit, please leave a message HERE.

Feng Shui + BaZi for September 2020

Sept LoShu.png

September is the month of the Yin Wood Rooster, (Sep 7 to Oct 8). The Rooster month is associated with Yen Metal and the fullest expression of Fall, which is so this is a powerful month.

The second half of 2020 will continue to have a lot of energy as we get into the water months of winter (Nov, Dec). So, hang onto your hat because this Rat energy will continue to be frenetic. I know this isn’t the news you want, but if you can get through this Rat year, a slower, more deliberate pace awaits you in the Ox year of 2021.

This month, the Feng Shui chart shows that the 1 White Water Star will visit the universal Center Palace, which will help mitigate some of the agitation of the Annual 7 Red Star. The other aspect of the 7 is that it’s associated with diseases of the respiratory system. So, let’s hope we get some relief from the current pandemic and typical seasonal flu as children return to school. The 1 White is also known for its potential for fame and fortune, but the earth of this zone will block that potential.

The areas of your home or office that you want to update this month are the South and the Northwest.

In the South this year, the 2 Black Illness Star visits. In September it is joined by the 5 Yellow Disaster Star. The combination of these is particularly unfavorable and even more so since the element of the South is Fire, which feeds both Earth Stars. Mitigate this with metal. For a monthly cure you can add 6 round metal coins. Put them in a bowl or dish somewhere in the South zone of your home or office. If your home or business entry is in the South, it’s a good idea to add the metal cure both inside and outside.

The Northwest will host the 2 Yellow Illness Star this month, so you’ll want to cure this with the same metal remedy you used in the South.

Another area of concern is the East, which is home to the annual 5 Yellow Disaster Star. The benevolent 8 White Wealth Star will join the 5 and it will support the 5. But the metal you have there for the annual star should be sufficient to mitigate the additional earth. However, make sure you don’t further activate it with earth or fire elements (e.g., crystals, red decor, candles, etc.).

Your BAZI for September:

If you were born in the year or day of the Monkey, Rat, or Dragon, this is your Peach Blossom month. This is helpful for all relationships. If you want to add some spark to your romantic relationship, this month will support that. If you want to launch a PR campaign for your business, this will be a good month to do that.

If you have the Rooster anywhere in your 4 Pillars, this is your Penalty month. Make sure you are cognizant of any tendencies for self-sabotage or low self-esteem and balance the Feng Shui in your home or workplace. Stay on top of your tasks and keep your eye on your goals.

If you have Rabbit anywhere in your 4 Pillars, this is your clash month. It may be a moment of transformation and growth for you…but remember that growth is often a painful and hard work.

This is your nobleman month if you were born in a year ending in 6 or 7, or if you were born on a Yang Fire or Yin Fire day or year. Nobleman is your “guardian angel” that can either help you through troublesome times or enhance your efforts toward your goals and relationships.


Please feel free to leave comments below. If you are interested in having a Feng Shui audit or your BaZi chart done, you may contact me via the Contact form on this site or email me at: