Helen Keating Consulting

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March 2023: Month of the Yin Wood Rabbit

Yi Mao

March 6 - April 4 is the month of the Yin Wood Rabbit (Yi Mao 乙 卯) and the second month of the Yin Water Rabbit (Gui Mao 癸卯) year. This month favors Goat, Dog, Pig, and Rabbit. It’s not as favorable for Horse, Rat, and Dragon, and it’s most unfavorable for Rooster, which is in both a Year Breaker and Month Breaker with Rabbit. If Rooster is in your hour pillar be cautious with your investments. If it’s in your day pillar, be mindful of your personal relationships and health. If it’s in your month pillar, career changes may be on the horizon. If it’s in your year pillar, there could very well be a change in your surroundings, such as a move or a change in your social circle.

This month the East sector supports ventures for your success. So use/activate this sector by completing tasks related to your pursuit of success. The best days to activate are Mar 6, 12, & 30, which are Success Days on the Tong Shu/Chinese calendar. These days favor Goat, Pig, and Rabbit most. Also, Mar 7 is a good day to launch new products. Aside from this, the East is the least supportive sector this month. Houses that sit in the East are overall not supportive this month. To mitigate this, make sure you are up to date with your annual and monthly Feng Shui adjustments, and be mindful of keeping everything safe and clutter-free.

Avoid starting or launching new projects/products on Mar 9, 16, 17, 21, 28, 29, & Apr 2.

There is a protective shield in the West sector this month, so use this for tasks that pertain to your finances/investments.

This month will be a time of change for the Rooster since it’s in Clash with Rabbit. There may be obstacles to overcome but it’s when we have to adjust to them that we often pivot, change, or discover a new direction. Growth is often painful but it’s in these moments that we find a new purpose. If Rooster is in your day pillar, there is a calamity sha that can promote disaster, illness, and injury, so be mindful of your health and don’t do anything that puts you at risk. If it’s in your year, month, or hourly pillars you may encounter large, unplanned expenses. Change your daily habits to avoid issues and safeguard your health and wealth.

The Snake & Dragon or those born with a year ending with a 2 or 3 will enjoy the nobleman this month.

Are you ready for your personal Feng Shui and/or Bazi analysis? Contact me HERE for more information.