"I have a Feng Shui emergency! My life is a mess!" I can't tell you how often I've received that call. It's my passion to help people find their balance and to support their needs but there's often a perception that I bring magic that will repair their lives. I wish it were that simple, but it's not. Classical Feng Shui is a complex system of scientific and actuarial data, intersecting with the fluidity of time and synchronicity. It's an art and science that deals with seen and unseen energy and I help my clients open the flow of that energy. However, the element of timing is also critical, since no matter how much someone wants change, there’s the question of whether the person is ready.
While I have testimonials that attest to client satisfaction, those successes were because the clients were intentional, minduful, fully engaged, and committed to the process. The "magic" is symbiotic. I don't carry fairy dust in my kit but I do engage with my clients at an energetic level to help them holistically bring about positive changes. When you're working with energy, little changes can create a wave of differences, but sometimes even big changes yield only small differences...sometimes indiscernible until viewed from distance and a broader viewpoint. I never guarantee outcomes because I know the energetic world we live in doesn't work that way. Sometimes people will notice energetic shifts immediately and in other cases it comes gradually, over time. Sometimes it doesn’t happen in a way that is apparent, because we have to rely upon three levels of energy, the most potent of which is the human factor. It is WE who determine our internal and external environment and our internal dialog is extremely powerful. This has been proven in mind-body connection research. We are powerful beyond our imagining.
The classical method of Feng Shui is a scientific approach but even with the science of quantum theory, the actuarial aspect of Feng Shui means outcomes may be different. Why? Because the energy of people, earth, and the cosmos is unique in every case. While I can pretty accurately adjust for the earth-cosmos interaction, it's more difficult to adjust for the energy of people’s energy as it interacts with their ever-changing environment. Since the universal is cyclical, actuarial data that has been collected over thousands of years provides information about what might be expected. But time is fluid so finding an energetic balance between people energy, earth energy, and cosmic energy can sometimes be a little like nailing jello to a fence. I find this most often in real estate sales, where there are more "moving parts" involving many players and factors of the property. When the energy/commitment of the seller/leaser, realtor/management company are in sync and recommendations are followed, then in "perfect timing" the new occupant will appear. But if the owner and/or realtor aren't fully committed, that conflict alone can create an energetic block.
If you want to optimize your life, however, Feng Shui is an effective method for bringing you into focus and accessing all energetic opportunities. I do this work because I've seen amazing results. I've seen it in my own life and other people's in profound ways and it is those moments that make me want to help more people. When I hear from clients who've turned their businesses and lives around my heart jump for joy!
Contact me for more information and to book your distance or on-site consultation