Helen Keating Consulting

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February 2023 - Month of the Yang Wood Tiger

Feb 4 - Mar 5 is the month of the Yang Wood (JIa 甲) Tiger (Yin 寅). The Tiger (2nd animal of the zodiac) is the first month of the solar Year of the Yin Water (Gui 癸) Rabbit (Mao 卯), and coincides with the onset of spring, known as Li Chun. The inherent element of the Tiger is Yang Wood, so with the Heavenly Stem of Yang Wood, this tiger has strong tiger characteristics. Remember, we just experienced the strong energy of a Tiger year. So this spring will come bounding in with a lot of energy, which will have a momentary effect on the gentle energy of the Rabbit.

However, the Wood Tiger is more cooperative than other types of tigers (we just experienced a yang water tiger year). While the tiger is generally strong and authoritative, the wood tiger tends to be less self-sufficient and more willing to work with others to an end. As such, the overall character of the month is that of cooperation and collegiality. Let’s hope this energy, combined with the gentle, amiable nature of the Rabbit will influence national and international political arenas! While the Golden Carriage enters the Tiger this year, indicating good fortune, the unfavorable stars add an element of an uphill battle with pettiness and sabotage. But luck is still strong and while this month may seem like a struggle, ultimately there is strong energy for the greater good on the corporate/institutional level. The Tiger forms a Flower of Romance with the Rabbit year, which supports romance, social life, and charm, so we can expect that while there may be some underlying animosity, the Flower of Romance star will support collegiality.

This is a Clash month if you have Monkey in your chart. A clash generally indicates changes, often brought about through obstacles or events.

This is a Combination month if you have Pig in your chart. This helps overcome a clash and helps pave the way toward your goal.

This is a Penalty month if you have the Snake & Monkey in your chart, which can affect relationships and health. If you have this combination be mindful of how you treat people and take care of your health.

This is your Nobleman month if you have Yin Metal (Gui 癸) in your chart or were born in a year ending with a 1. The nobleman star is protective and helpful and can help you find the right person/people to collaborate with or lessen the effects of anything catastrophic.

If you don’t have your BaZi chart plotted, you can get a free chart at www.joeyyap.com/bazi. You'll have to register once and then you can plot as many charts as you want for yourself, your family, and friends. Keep in mind that there are many interactions within a BaZi chart and what I provide here is only a sample generic guide.

If you are interested in learning how you can use BaZi for understanding what career skills you inherently posess and what you’re most suited for or strategizing the future, send me a message HERE.