Helen Keating Consulting

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3 Green Argument Star

The 3 Green Star of Aggression and Tai Sui

The 3 Green Star resides in the North sector in 2020. The North is associated with water and the 3 is a wood element. According to the five phases, this is a productive relationship that enhances the 3 Green Star, which has aggressive energy. It is also the location of the Tai Sui or Grand Duke, which is the “seat” of the Rat Year.

The 3 Green star can be used differently depending on the scenario:

  • If you are a shy, meek, mild person who desires the ability to stand up for yourself or the courage to pursue your dreams, activating this star with water can provide support for a more aggressive, decisive energy.

  • If you have been indecisive but desire to forge ahead in a new endeavor, activating the 3 will support you with the aggressive energy you need to pursue your business or life plans.

  • If you’ve struggled with a decision and need a breakthrough, activating this area with water will help

  • If you’re an attorney or anyone else who debates or engages in lively discourse in either an academic setting or for a living, activating this star with water can provide support .

  • To reduce conflict, apply fire to this area

  • If you’re easily agitated, argumentative, or have a fiery temper, adding fire to this sector will help take the edge off that potential.

  • Overall, if there’s a need to reduce the aggressive impact of the Argument star or reduce conflicts in your personal life, adding fire here will help.

There are two zodiac animals that could benefit from the assistance from the aggressive 3 Green Star this year. If you have either of these in your chart, activate the 3 Green with water to give you the courage you need:

  • Dragon, which has the Three Stages Star for promotion, would benefit from activating 3 Green

  • Rat, which is the Grand Duke, has the “Duke’s Arrival” star in their chart. They will have all eyes on them this year, which can be intimidating. So, Rat can use some extra courage to deal with the spotlight by activating this area.

There is one zodiac animal that does not want to activate this area so if this animal is anywhere in your chart you’ll want to take action to deactivate this Star:

  • Monkey has the “Sky Warrior” star in his chart this year, with the potential for temperamental behavior. Reduce this potential for aggressiveness and disputes by reducing the 3 Green Star with fire.

As mentioned before, the Tai Sui, aka Grand Duke, will also reside in the North this year. The Tai Sui can be either very supportive or very disruptive. If you sit with your back to the North this year, you’ll receive the benevolent support of the Grand Duke. But if you face the north the Grand Duke will become offended. Also you will want to keep this area very tidy, quiet, peaceful, and avoid construction or ground breaking both inside and outside. If your house or business building sits in the North, it’s best to postpone ANY construction until after 2020.

Please feel free to leave comments below. If you want more information about scheduling your personalized Feng Shui consultation for 2020, you may use the Contact form on this website or email me at: HelenKstyles@gmail.