Helen Keating Consulting

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Dog Month Feng Shui

The Dog Month (Oct 8 - Nov 6) central energy: 6 White Career Star is hosted by the 3 Jade Aggressive Star can boost aggressive behavior. If you are meek and need a boost for your career this will be helpful, but be careful of getting too sassy since the 3 Jade can also result in arguments.

Supportive areas:

Northeast: 9 Purple Current Wealth Star supercharges this sector with support for finances, celebrations, and joy.

East: is very supportive for academic studies, writing, and overall scholarship.

South: 1 White neutralizes the 7 Red Violence Star. The 1 White supports Fame/Authority.

Southwest: The aggressive 3 Jade joins the 9 Purple to fire up this sector with an extra boost of energy.

North: The 2 Black Future Wealth Star combines with the 8 White Past Wealth Star to form a “sum-of-ten” that isupportive.

West: 8 White Wealth Star visits and while it’s not as strong as the current 9 Purple Wealth star, it has merit in that it softens the Annual 5 Yellow Malicious Star to support finances.

The least supportive areas:

Southeast: heightened risks of misfortune or illness. Don’t activate this area by spending time here.

Northwest: 7 Red Violence Star visits, so be careful of security here.

This is a universal reading and does not take into consideration the natal chart of your building. If you are interested in a personalized audit, you may leave a message on the Contact Us form. I generally respond within 24 hours.