Helen Keating Consulting

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Horse Month Feng Shui

The month of the Snake (Jun 5 - Jul 5) has a central energy of aggressive authority with two stars in a productive cycle. The Water energy of the 1 White Authority/Career Star joins and supports the 3 Jade Aggressive Star. This can be good for lawyers and those who need a little push. But there’s a caveat for those with an aggressive nature as this energy can get you into hot water. Be careful with this energy since it can end in arguments and lawsuits. If you need to mitigate this energy in your home, add fire energy to the center segment. This can be a 24/7 night light or a small, red decorative item, such as a candle, vase, or pillow.

This month's most supportive zone is North, with two White stars supporting wealth and career. Activate this zone through use…particularly in activities that pertain to your career and finances.

The East Sector is also occupied by two White stars that support wealth and reputation. They are in a dominant cycle, so there’s a little tension, which means that there may be challenges. However, this is a useable sector for important activities that support your authority/reputation and finances.

This month’s least auspicious zone is the South, with the 5 Yellow Malicious Star joining the 7 Red Violence Star. This combination supports violence, loss, and health issues. Please don’t activate this sector. If it is your main entry, use another one for this month, or at least be very quiet when you leave or enter…and be mindful of security!

Please understand that this analysis is a universal reading and does not take into consideration your personal energy or the natal chart of the home or workplace that you occupy. For a more personalized reading, please reach out to me via the Contact form.