Helen Keating Consulting

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August 2022 Flying Stars: A Powerhouse

Month of the Yang Earth Monkey, Wu Shen 戊 申

This month every building/house is ruled by the 5-5 Misfortune combination. If you may recall, this year the annual stars are all in their “home” palaces, which makes them twice as strong. The current monthly stars are also in their “home” palaces, tripling that energy, whether favorable or unfavorable. If you don’t have your annual adjustment of moving metal in the center of your home, It would be wise to do that now, because the energy in the center palace radiates out into the rest of the building.

Areas of concern:

Center: As stated, the Misfortune star “piles on” with the potentially disastrous energy of a double Wu Wang. So, even if you have your annual adjustment in place, to mitigate the monthly Misfortune star, move one set of coins to this sector.

Southeast: The 2 Illness star adds to the already dangerous potential in this area for illness. Move the second set of coins to this sector.

West: This sector is ruled by the 7-7 red combination, known as “fighting swords.” The energy is exactly as it sounds, with the potential for violence and loss. If an entry or window is located here there is potential for robbery and other types of break-ins so be mindful of security here. You may also want to add either a tabletop water feature or 3 stalks of bamboo in a container of water (not dirt). The water and wood will take the edge off the volatile metal of the fighting swords. If this is in a kitchen be very mindful of using knives, as the other potential is for “accident by metal.” If weaponry of any kind is located in this area, keep it secured in a locked cupboard or safe.

East: This sector is ruled by the 3-3 combination, with potential for arguments and lawsuits. Avoid activities and conversations here that can lead to escalating tempers.

Where to spend time:

South: The added fire element visits with potential for celebration and expansion. This energy will support any activity you do here.

North: Water, water, water…the element of fame and fortune! This area is perfect for you to work on anything pertaining to your career and reputation.

Northwest: The 6 White Career star will be extra supportive for activities pertaining to your career. Whether you are doing something directly related to your career or continuing education, this is a good place to do it.

Northeast: The benevolent 8 White star of wealth settles in to support your prosperity here. Not a bad place to spend time and do activities related to your financials, both short and long-term! The prosperous nature of the 8 White earth star will support you in many ways…so if prosperity to you is personal growth and relationships, you will be supported.

Southeast: The 4 Green star is in decline so normally has very little energy. However, since we are now in a cycle of triple energy, it should be considered usable. It’s most known for supporting creativity and relationships and when combined with water, it forms a Peach Blossom. It also supports studies and writing. If you want to conceive a child and your bedroom is in the Southeast, you’ll be getting extra support this month. If you’re not, take appropriate precautions because there is a lot of “creative” energy here. To enhance the Peach Blossom, add a water element but be careful if your relationship is a little rocky since it can backfire and your partner may stray.

To schedule a personalized Feng Shui audit of your home, office, or business, contact me HERE