Helen Keating Consulting

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Feb 2022 Flying Stars

Month of the Water Tiger: Feb 4 - Mar 4 2022

2022 is ruled by the 5 Yellow Catastrophe Star, which is in its full strength in its native Palace (earth). It is joined by the ruling star of the month, the 2 Black Illness Star. In Feng Shui, the 2-5 combination is one of the two most inauspicious combinations in Feng Shui. Add or move 6 coins to the Center Palace this month to reduce the monthly star. If you haven’t already done so, the energy of the Annual 5 is reduced with Moving Metal.

The monthly 5 Yellow Catastrophe Star joins the 8 White annual star (wealth) in the Northeast sector. The energy of the 8 White Wealth star is powerful this year so reduce the monthly 5 Black with 6 metal coins.

The annual 2 Black Illness Star is joined by the monthly 8 White wealth star in the Southwest and modifies the bad qualities of the 2 with its good earth qualities. This combination makes the SW a reasonably good area in which to be active.

The annual 7 Red Violence Star is joined by the monthly 4 Green Creative Star in the West. If you haven’t mitigated the annual star, there is potential for health concerns, including miscarriage, coughing, and wounding.

The annual 6 White Career Star is joined by the monthly 3 Jade Star of Tenacity in the Northwest. This combination has potential for health issues and isn’t a good area for teenagers to spend time.

The annual 1 White Authority Star is joined by the monthly 7 Red in the North. The metal of the 7 will promote the water of the 1. A good area to spend time if you’re in sales. It’s also good for travel.

The annual 3 Jade Tenacity Star is joined by the 9 Purple Growth Star in the East. This is good for the bedroom of a studious child. Potential for fire-related injury so avoid burning candles here.

The annual 4 Green Creativity Star is joined by the 1 White Authority Star in the Southeast. This combination is good for creativity, academic achievement, and reputation/fame.

The annual 9 Purple Star of Celebration/Growth is joined by the monthly 6 White in the South. This Fire+metal combination is not good for family or health issues of the lungs. If this is an active area where your family hangs out you might want to add a little fire adjustment but be mindful of the use of an open flame since there would be potential for a fire hazard.

If you haven’t had a personalized Feng Shui audit done of your home or office, now would be a good time to do it. Years when the Stars all fly to their native Palaces are ruled by high energy and catastrophic potential with the 5 Yellow trapped in the center. Combine that with the Water Tiger energy and this is a year to do what you can to harness the energy. Contact me HERE to schedule your 2022 audit or update.