1 White Fame Star
In Xuan Kong (Flying Star) Feng Shui, we use a shorthand for tracking the cyclical energy that’s continually changing. We use the term “flying star” or “star” as a shorthand for a specific and complex energy pattern. This year the 1 White (Water) Fame Star will reside in the NE sector. So this year the NE is the Helpful People or Noble People sector. It is the area where you want to spend time to improve your public relations.
We all need others to help us along the way, no matter how independent we may view ourselves. There is no such thing as a “self made” person. Without support, guidance, or clients we would not be able to create a business or have a job to go to.
This year if you need to attract clients, improve your job situation, create or grow your business, find someone to fulfill a specific task, or a mentor who can guide you, the northeast sector will support your efforts. But first, you need to take time to deliberate and define EXACTLY who you want to attract, then write it down in your journal or planner. Knowing who or what you want is an important step toward your ultimate goal.
Be very specific. Using a blanket statement such as , “I want to attract more clients,” isn’t quite enough. Decide how many per week or month for instance. You also want clients who fully appreciate your particular service or product. Also, you don’t want clients who can’t afford to pay or will try to leverage a reduced fee. No…you want clients who acknowledge your expertise and are happy to pay for it. Or you may need someone to create graphics for you but if they aren’t in alignment with you, they won’t be the right fit. The same goes for mentors or other helpful people that you need in your network. Again, give it serious deliberation and write down the specifics of those you want to attract. Next, you have to take the appropriate actions because just wishing for something and activating the NE won’t make things happen without action. You have to be intentional and active in your efforts…create a well thought-out plan, then work it! Whether you commit to attending seminars, trade shows, advertising, incentives, creating a web presence, or asking your clients to refer you to others, you need to devise appropriate courses of action.
Maybe you are looking for people to help you in your health, wellness and fitness goals this year. If so, this area will support you to research and find the right people who align with your specific needs, philosophies, and personal goals. No matter what kind of helpful person you need, this is the sector that will support you.
Spend time in the NE sector while you’re planning and fulfilling your action plan. If your NE sector is at your front door, the use of that door will activate the sector and in turn will support your efforts. If it’s in your bedroom, keep a journal by your bed and write your intentions and ideas in it every day. You never know what will come to you during quiet contemplation. If the NE is in your work space or living room, spend time there while you’re researching, planning, or taking other actions.
This sector is a great place to keep images of people you admire in business or other images that depict your goals. You can do this with a Helpful People Vision Board, for instance. Since the NE is associated with earth energy it diminishes the effect of the 1 White Water Star and can create tension, so it’s a good idea to increase the metal here. Avoid plants in this area, however, since the wood and earth elements will deplete the 1 White Star even more and you want the benefit of the fully actualized Star.
The 2020 Annual Flying Star chart brings fresh energy into the built environment, which will be strongest at the beginning of the year and wane toward the end of the year. So activate this energy while it’s at its peak. Be aware that every building has a natal chart which may have conflicting energies, so getting a full audit of your space is highly recommended.
Please feel free to leave your comments below or contact me via this website. If you want to schedule an audit of your space, you may contact me via the website or email me at: HelenKstyles@gmail.com.